We respect your value with us. Meantime we secure you also. You can take a look on some security points regarding your information and transactions here:

1. You can browse our website effectively without providing your personal details like name and email address.

2. Unless and untill you sign up with Droppersstop you wont provide any information to us. You will be remained as anonymous person browsing the website. While sign up with Droppersstop we collect your Name, Email address only.

3. When you place an order with us on our website, we will collect information like your name, gender, postal address, email address, delivery address (if different), telephone number, fax number, mobile number, payment details, bank account details or payment card details to process your order.

4. To deliver the order to your customer, we have to pass the details to the third party(our courier services) like Name, Phone Number and Address.

5. If you have made any changes to your personal details, you are requested to give the prior intimation or keep records up to date with us inorder to fulfil the orders.

6. You may not accept to cookies inorder to browser our website.

7. All the payment gateways used on our website are guaranteed, certified and secured.

8. We make sure that, we wont sell or share your personal information with any other company without your permission for any purposes.

9. To identify problems with our server, we can use your IP address. We also reserve the right to use your IP address to administer our website, to identify you and to collect large demographic data.

10. We have rights to change our privacy policies at any time and are being updated on this page to keep you informed.

11. If you think to browse our Website, you agree to our terms and conditions stated in our Privacy Policy. However, if you don’t agree please do not use or access the Website.